Sunday, March 10, 2013


It seems the vast majority of cell phone novelists are women. Are men having the same economic and social disenfranchisement as women? If so, what kinds of affective work are they seeking, if any? If not, are there other cultural or educational issues placing women in a disenfranchised position? Is emotional labor gendered?

Are organizations that publish cell phone novels (digitally and paper) exploitative? Empowering?

What are the similarities between cell phone novels are their creators and other alt press formats like blogging or zines? What is different? Are there cultural implications of these different formats?

Maslow's heirarchy of needs
The Lukacs article mentions that writing cell phone novels helps the novelists reach self-actualization, but it seems like they are (also) meeting some of their more basic human needs by writing like love/belonging and esteem ("By posting novels online, they also open new channels of communication and generate new experiences of intimacy and new forms of belonging" p. 47.) The question is, in what ways is new new media filling in social gaps created by emotional work and/or larger cultural, social, and economic factors? We make a case for social shaping theory in this context?

What does it mean that cell phone novels are read left to right then top to bottom rather than from top to bottom then right to left? What is the message in this medium?

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